Achieving a set of connected applications for data on the Web in such a way as to form a consistent logical web of data.
Nova Spivack. Founder Radar Networks; SFO based Web 3.0 startup!
A relational view of semantic web. With query language SPARQL, a query framework for RDF-based store.
DBPedia, largest source of structured data on Internet. Freebase is another competing technology or consortium, based on Wikipedia.
DBPedia represents data using Resource Description Framework (RDF) model. RDF uses a triple "subject-predicate-object" to model data; subject is the resource, predicate denotes traits or aspects of resource and a relationship between the subject and the object. The subject, predicate and object can be individually identified using URIs.
Henry Story, Sun's Staff Engineer
Semantic web brings together the web, data bases, object oriented programming, and reasoning.
Claims that to bring these things together, we've to be extremely simple and clean and build on the core thought of "everything is connected".
Semantic web is about making information more connect-able.
Schema = Ontology, in semantic web terms. SPARQL can work with half-baked ontology/schema; it can determine ontology dynamically.
Semantic web use cases!
Semantic web is about data mining; building relations using data in dynamic fashion.
WWW first decade of Internet: 1989 to mid-1990s; HTML. Server generated Web; users were just fetching data published as HTML. Few services like email, calendar that were used by users.
Web 2.0 second decade of Internet: Late 1990s to early naughties; services on Internet; amazon, ebay, google. AJAX-based rich UI, XML Web Services. Social networking, blogging, Wiki, photos, etc. Ability to categorize data by tagging. User generated Web.
Web 3.0 third decade of Internet: Late naughties to early teens; HyperData markup or Semantic Web. May be streamlining tagging a bit; allowing Internet end-points/applications to build relations between data available on the Net and/or themselves.
Semantic web = Data web; its about finding and co-relating information.